Players: 10 Boys and 4 Girls from East TN​ vs. 10 Boys and 4 Girls from West TN
Competition will take place in 3 stages, each at match play (Win=1 point / Tie=0.5 points):
1.) Foursomes Matches
2.) Four-Ball Matches
3.) Singles Matches
Team West must accrue at least 14.5 points to win the "Scott Stallings Trophy" back from Team West who won the Cup in 2023.
Friday - Sept. 27, 2024: 12:30 - 1:30 PM - Practice Rounds at The Grove
6:30 - 8:00 PM - Welcome Dinner at The Grove
Saturday - Sept. 28, 2024: Foursomes Matches (8:00 - 9:00 AM) / Four-Ball Matches (1:00 - 2:00 PM)
Sunday - Sept. 29, 2024: Singles Matches (7:30 - 9:14 AM) / Awards Ceremony (shortly after play is completed)​
Please Note: Handicap/Spectator Carts will NOT be available
All players will be on their own for overnight accommodations.
All meals, snacks, and drinks will be provided for each player.
​​Each participant will receive team apparel to be worn during the matches.